Thursday, November 22, 2007


What does a friendship mean to you? This question came to my mind very early this morning as I was thinking about my fellow tesl friends are going back for good this coming Monday, as well as other third year students who don’t plan to do honors. Oh not to forget those who still staying till next year- they are all, owez in my, in my heart actually. I have this kind of weird feeling when thinking back all the good and tough times we shared together. A bit sad, because we are going to be apart and nobody really knows what’s gonna happen in future. Feeling nervous too, as we are finishing our degree and I bet a more challenging life is waiting to kill us. Haha it’s scary to think about future. And the most important thing is I will, surely will miss all my friends damn much.

They really have taught me a lot, about life, about love, about friendship, about everything. Family is too far after all, who else I can share my life with. Damn I just realized one name that girls normally have when talking about sharing things- boyfriend-. Its ok I don’t need one, not for now at least. poyours je bunyi keskeskesss. but i mean it hehe.I have great friends and loving family. I mean REALLY great!! A family, who never let me down, trusts me and always understands me although they are thousands miles far. Friends who always be by my side, tolerate all my weird (and charming...lalala ) behaviors, love me without any conditions, and tell things that I couldn’t see even with my eyes open.

Hm, friendship. It is an interesting word. People define or value it differently, some don’t even get what it really is. But no one, I mean no one can live a life without it. Believe me on this matter. Hahaha. You don’t believe me? Ok just imagine your life without me. Just imagine. Imagine laa..Imagine..Imagine..Ok I am sure you get it now. What a waste kan..keskeskesss. ..

One good thing about friendship is we tend to be more sincere. I am free to speak out my mind, no need to be appeared as a very good person when we choose to be bad (well, sometimes we just can’t stop ourselves from being bitchy hahaha), and still being accepted when we sincerely say ‘I’m sorry’. Isn’t that sounds good? Of course it is. I don’t know, maybe some people don’t think the same way as I am, and I totally understand that. We need to choose the right words in expressing our feelings after all(of cos la kann), this is what we call as being considerate and tolerate. But as for me, if my friend hurt my feeling by words, or any possible actions, I will still try to understand them, or just accept that’s just the way they are. In other words, my friends don’t have to put much effort to impress me because we are friends. I can naturally see good and bad sides of you. I always find it is interesting to understand my friends’ behavior. When you understand someone by heart, you can actually feel them, and justify all their wrongdoings, which end up by you saying: “oh that’s really her, and she’s my friend”.

And, it is important to put ourselves in other people shoes. If I get angry or let say annoyed with a friend, I try to put myself at his/her place and find the reasons why they are acting that way. Well, it normally helps me stabilize my emotions. It really works- at least for me. Recall all good memories and highly value all the good things they’ve done in my life kinda make me realize how much I love his/her, thus make me appreciate our friendship even more.

When ever u feel down,
When u feel u just can't hold on,
When u feel like no-ones there,
When everything’s going wrong,

When everything’s annoying u,
And u just want to scream,
When life is not worth living,
And u gives up your whole life's dreams,

When u hate it where u r,
And life's just not worthwhile,
When hatred becomes you,
And takes over your lifestyle

When life's a bumpy road,
Which seems never ending,
Take my hand I'll guide you,
I'll stop your heart from breaking,

I can't take away your pain,
And I can't take your fears,
But I'll help you with whatever i can,
I'll always wipe away your tears,
You mean so much to me,
And I will never let you fall,
Because your friendship to me,
Is most important overall!!


equilibrium_space said...

friendship remains never can end....

Anonymous said...

that's one huge post but it was sweet

JHaZ KiTaRo said...